Radio Rampage (1944)
"Something's wrong with the radio".
27 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It's been a long time since I've seen an Edgar Kennedy short, he used to crack me up as a kid watching these flicks in the late Fifties. Just for the heck of it I checked his screen credits here on IMDb and there are four hundred forty six entries between 1911 and 1949. That's a lot of laughs.

In his usual inimitable style, Kennedy plays havoc with the wiring of a simple radio and causes more damage than the project was worth. One surprise here was the youthful appearance of Florence Lake playing the part of Mrs. Kennedy, she looked almost young enough to be a teenager prompting another trip to the credits pages. She was actually forty years old playing opposite the fifty four year old comic. I'd like to get her fountain of youth recipe.

At only sixteen minutes, the picture offers it's share of pratfalls and sight gags of Kennedy and his feeble attempts to save a few bucks by doing-it-himself. Instead of paying a repair man $6.50 to repair a loose wire, Kennedy pulls an outlet out of a wall, ruins another wall to the tune of $27.50 in part for requiring overtime labor, and even causes his mother-in-law (Dot Farley) to miss out on a fifty dollar radio prize opportunity. Disregarding the repairman fee, wife Florence mistakenly reminds Edgar his stubbornness had already cost them $78.50, obviously a one dollar error no one caught or intentionally disregarded after the film was in the can.
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