Review of $200.00

$200.00 (1911)
This situation is entirely trite
23 April 2016
It is not the use of old facts that makes a picture trite; for works of art that are truly human remain young forever. It is the use of conventionalities in place of first-hand observation of life that makes a story or a picture uninteresting. The hero of this picture needed $200 to cure his daughter of blindness. This situation is entirely trite, but the picture doesn't depend upon it. Its purpose is to draw in profile a phase of life and show something of the common bond of sympathy that unites men. The man, seeking work, gets a job at an oil well, and shortly after is the means of saving the life of his foreman's little girl. It is a heroic act, and the workmen at the well, when they hear of his own child's pitiful predicament, led by the foreman, put in the hat passed by the foreman's wife the funds necessary to have the girl's eyes attended to. This part of the story is fresh. The scenes that show the cure of the child's eyes are wholly conventional and if they had been simply omitted, it would have helped the picture. - The Moving Picture World, October 14, 1911
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