Supernoobs (2015–2019)
this show is an epic fail
23 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Before this review if you like this show i'm respect your opinion.

the plot

OK it's about four kids Tyler, Kevin, shoppe, and roach get the ball who calls the battle ball in an accident made by the aliens mnemonic and zen-block because they believed that they where soldiers and then they must learn them the power that they can use to save the world.

my thoughts about this show i find it boring stereotypical and giving kids stupid message to kids the animation is bland and stiff the intro song wants me to eat an spicy pepper i did knew that it didn't had the potential and have and i know Scott Fellow the same guy who made johnny test i know he is an nice guy but he cant think that kids is stupid and make stupid shows because kids aren't stupid and this show is lacking creativity i'm know Canadian show can be decent or good but many of them is garbage and unoriginal and this show is awful and boring can watch johnny test over this

if you want to have you kids an good taste of cartoons let them see Steven universe adventure time wander over yonder star vs the forces of evil regular show and many more even the classic and many more

please don't show this for kids
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