I expected worse and actually got a good time.
18 April 2016
A mixed cast out of established actors and "Newcomers" aka. "Isn't that the guy from (insert show-name here)" loosens up the mood and gives the general idea that the movie doesn't take itself too serious. Creative details like glowing numbers on bottles and texts in the air also contribute to this.

Furthermore, multiple laugh out loud-moments. Which is always a plus!Rebel Wilson is hilarious. Everybody has to agree at least on that.

Surprisingly not the most stereotypical cheesy wannabe perfect life- ending. A deeper meaning in said ending compliments the movie as a whole, without coming over as forced.

Of course movies like that always sort of have this fakeness about them. I mean, everybody knows that you could never be able to afford this huge apartment in NYC nor experience a love story like that. But you don't watch these films to get realistic life-reviews. You want to simply look at pretty people partying, doubting existence and having sex. In a not weird way of course. "How to be single" will provide you with all three, without making you gag over the silly tackiness.
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