Review of Vegucated

Vegucated (2011)
Informative Documentary
18 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Marisa Miller Wolfson wanted to find three other people living in New York City who originally ate meat regularly and teach them to become vegan for six weeks. First of all, the concept for this movie was great because it already attracts a broader audience by appealing to many different people- not just vegans.

This documentary did a great job at explaining the importance of cutting animal food products out of someone's diet. I really enjoyed watching the movie because even though I am not a vegetarian or a vegan, it still succeeded in keeping the argument interesting. It sparked my interest by using real people and following around their lives. They continued to give realistic feedback that did not seem staged which made the movie more relatable. The three people in the movie were very down to earth and lived a similar lifestyle to me, and I'm sure other people, which helped prove the point of how simple it can be to change your eating habits. Also, the way Marisa interacted with the characters in a respectful and open-minded way made the documentary easier to enjoy. It never came across as if she was trying to pressure them to do something that they did not want to do.

Although this film was about cutting animal products out of your diet, it did not convince the audience by shocking them or causing them to become over emotional about the information. The documentary had many helpful facts and was more based on informing the audience rather than scaring them into the lifestyle. It had a different approach that worked better for me because it did not seem like Marisa was trying to shove veganism in my face.

There were many parts of the documentary that really stuck with me. For example, when all of them went to the factory farms and witnessed everything that happens to the animals that really opened my eyes and showed me how the animals were treated. Also, when they went to the grocery store to pick out vegan food and it was noticeable how many food items they could get. Overall, the movie did a fantastic job of making a very serious and critical issue seem relatable. It showed very important benefits that could help everyone realize how easy it is to switch to veganism.
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