Far Cry Primal (2016 Video Game)
This ain't your grandpa's Fred Flintstone
15 April 2016
Blood Dragon once pulled a full conversion of Far Cry 3 and succeeded with it's writing and style but the gameplay and world felt like afterthoughts. Primal basically pulls the same stunt with Far Cry 4 (note the map similarities) but the developers doubled down on reworking the gameplay and most importunately world into a cohesive package. The narrative may be simplistic but what would one expect from a caveman revenge drama and the game is one of the most original big budget productions in years. Which other game will let you drink human eyeballs to send you on a drug induced mass murder vision! The entire game is actually noteworthy for being one of the most messed up M-rated games of all time due to over the over the top gore, the mentioned drugs, heaps of cannibalism and a lot of full frontal nudity. Primal's fictional language is another noteworthy standout but don't ask me how the dude bro audience will respond to it. Don't expect the same amount of content the standard setting Far Cry 4 brought to the table but Primal sill managed to deliver one of the most believable open-worlds of all time and again proves that the Ubisoft collect-a-thon formula works. The very easy Platinum trophy can lastly be achieved in about 25 hours. 8,5/10
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