Yancy Derringer: An Ace Called Spade (1958)
Season 1, Episode 4
A Duel in the Night
14 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
YANCY DERRINGER "An Ace Called Spade" 1958

This 1958-59 series is about a card sharp, who returns home to New Orleans three years after the end of the Civil War. The man, Jock Mahoney, finds the city full of Northern carpet bagging types. He is secretly put to work as an undercover man by the city commissioner, Kevin Hagen. Mahoney is to keep Hagen advised on the various low-life types running wild in the city. He does this with the help of his Pawnee bodyguard, X. Brands. The series ran for a total of 34 episodes.

In this episode, the forth of the series, we find Yancy Derringer, (Jock Mahoney) stumbling onto a plot to kill the city commissioner, Kevin Hagen. An ad has been taken out in the local paper saying Hagen will die the next day. A local flower seller has received an order to make a big wreath for the funeral.

Hagen is used to threats and does not take it too seriously. He is more interested in dining with a woman visiting from Boston, The woman, Joan Taylor, says she is a friend of Hagen's sister and was told to look him up while in New Orleans.

Now the viewer discovers that there is indeed a threat being made of Hagen. Miss Taylor is really in town seeking vengeance. Hagen had been responsible for having her husband shot for cowardice during the late Civil war between the States. She wants her pound of flesh.

Delivering said pound of flesh, will be Ray Danton. Danton is an expert with pistol and sword. He makes a living engaging in duels with his targets. He wins and the law calls it a matter of honour. Throwing the old monkey wrench in the works is Yancy Derringer. (Jock Mahoney)

The plot is called off by Miss Taylor once she meets Hagen. Danton though has been paid and refuses to call off the duel. Danton has also taken a dislike to Mahoney and intends to dispose of him as well. The mess comes to a head with Danton and Mahoney going at it with a pair of pig stickers. Mahoney flips Danton over a table and breaks his wrist. His duelling days are over. The swine though grabs up a pocket pistol and goes to shoot Mahoney. Miss Taylor steps up, produces a similar weapon out of her purse and nails Danton.

This is a really enjoyable episode with good acting, an entertaining story and top direction. Richard Sale, the former big screen man sits in the director's chair.
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