WrestleMania XXX (2014 TV Special)
A Truly Phenomenal Night!
14 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The pornographic sounding WrestleMania is the best one so far this decade and one of the best ones in over 20 years. Honestly, this is one of my top 10 WrestleMania events ever.

WrestleMania is WWE's SuperBowl; WWE's Stanley Cup; so everything has to be very high calibre. WWE did all they could to make this a night to remember. And did they ever succeed.

The best part of this show was that there was not a bad match. The worst matches were a bit better than the ones to see on RAW.

The first match was the fatal 4-way tag-team match for the title during the pre-show. Usos won. Pretty good. 7.5/10

The host was the returning Hulk Hogan. Stone Cold and Rock came out too. I loved this segment! 10/10

The first regular match was Daniel Bryan defeating Triple H. I totally hate the Authority storyline!!!! They really screwed up so many stories. I know it is all the writers' faults, as they simply did not feel like trying. The pipsqueak defeated the bigger man in a very believable way and was an awesome bout. 9.5/10

The next match received negative flack. The Shield defeated the New Age Outlaws and Kane in a short, but sweet match. I love the participants, (not Kane) so I loved the match. 8.5/10

The first ever Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal was awesome. There's a battle royal at every Mania, so why not make a big deal out of it? Cesaro won by lastly eliminating the Big Show: the new Andre and the guy my money was on. Cesaro winning was a pleasant surprise and I knew it would propel him for a push. That push hasn't happened yet, but this match made me an official fan of his. 9/10

John Cena defeating Bray Wyatt was not as bad as everybody says. The good guy won the feud a few weeks later and now Wyatt is said to have been buried. You want buried? Look at Damien Sandow or Zack Ryder! Anyway, this Cena bout was not as great his match at 22 or 28, but I still liked it. 8/10

Brock Lesnar defeating the Undertaker is the biggest shock in pro-wrestling history. When the ref hit the 3 count, the audience went silent in a massive state of shock. I love shocks at this magnitude. But the match suffered from a lacking build-up and a lack of amazement. Taker has been on a role with perfect matches at Mania. Unfortunately, this was not one of them. I also don't like giving the victory to a part-timer. But for the night, I will grade Undertaker's entrance to his exit and have the same state of mind as when I first saw it. 8/10

The Diva's match was all clustered and I consider it to be the worst match of the night. 7/10

The final match saw Daniel Bryan advancing to defeat Randy Orton and Batista for the WWE Title. It wasn't supposed to have happened, but good thing it did! Batista won the Royal Rumble and was supposed to win at Mania at help promote Guardians of the Galaxy. The angry WWE Universe demanded Daniel Bryan be put in the main event and win anyway. WWE listened. For the 10th anniversary since WrestleMania XX, it only made sense to replace the phenomenal ending that WWE will never be able to show again. Chris Benoit had a similar underdog story to Daniel Bryan and won the title in a triple-threat bout at Mania. His best friend Eddie Guerrero came and they embraced. Easily one of the finest moments ever. But unfortunate incidents in 2007 caused WWE to erased Chris Benoit from their history forever. Daniel Bryan is literally Chris Benoit's double. After WWE decided to listen to the audience, the new plan was have CM Punk defeat Triple H in the first match and Daniel Bryan win the main event and have a massive blast from the past. CM Punk left WWE, so the story just made Daniel Bryan stronger than ever and made it HIS night. It is very rare that a WM can be centred around one man. 99% of the match was an exact replica of WM XX's main event. While the latter's was a bit better, this match was phenomenal. 10/10

There's practically nothing not to like. Whole event: 8.6/10
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