my heart bleeds for GAIL Russell
11 April 2016
was i in for a surprise. what an absolute dud from all angles. I'm crazy about Gail Russell but in this movie we could clearly see the puffed eyes due to years and years of alcohol absorbing. she did the acting o. Dennis O keefe that wasn't a role for him...he doesn't know how to use his hands...hes bland and he is simply a so so actor. Ruth Warwick was good in what she did. I'm really sorry to have seen Charlotte Greenwood in this...she is usually funny and energetic....in PATCH she is boring and the role doesn't fit her at all. The racing are overlong and the story is plain dull. why i gave it at least a 4...the black man who sang the song MIXED...so well. Glad i bought it at a cheap price. I cant get over poor Gail Russell...a waste of what could had been a great actress.
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