Hollywood on Parade is worth a look as Curly's first film with brother Moe, Larry, and Ted Healy
9 April 2016
You see various stars (mainly singers and comedians) in a nightclub setting. Among them: Cross-eyed Ben Turpin as a bartender who provides a funny somersault at the end. Jimmy Durante is also around to ask an inane question that wasn't funny to me. Neither was getting a frost on his lip. There's also a female impressionist who does a pretty good Greta Garbo though she didn't say anything funny either. Ted Healy arrives at Turpin's bar and attempts some banter with him before getting interrupted by then-girlfriend Bonnie Bonnell and his Stooges: Moe, Larry, and Curly! The only thing even slightly amusing about this whole segment was seeing Ted doing the three-face slap on the boys after Howard, Fine, and Howard fail initially in doing it to each other! Imagine that, Moe having trouble slapping Larry or brother Curly! Wait till they get to Columbia Pictures...Finally, Rudy Vallee drops by to sing some songs before the ending with Turpin serving a couple of large glasses and what I told about earlier...Like I said, this wasn't very funny but it was interesting to see The Three Stooges for the first time with new member Curly replacing brother Shemp who had previously appeared on film with Moe, Larry, and Ted in Soup to Nuts. So on that note, this episode of Hollywood on Parade is worth a look.
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