Deadly Possessions (2016– )
Terrible for the first show of the first season unrealistic!!
4 April 2016
Sadly I was very annoyed with this series It so dramatic and its just and just plain Disney its not the objects or the stories its the way they present the show over dramatic , unrealistic and very childish and a bit of a joke to be honest.

If this show is supposed to represent the most haunted objects in History or the world it really bad that I feel like I am watching another cheap quick scare cheesy show.

There is a real Museum that holds real famous objects in side of Ed and Lorraine Warren's: The Occult Museum.

If you ever watch Lorraine Warren the most famous Demonologists talk about these objects of possession you can hear that she is not over dramatic she is very straight to the point and very honest and very respectful.

Sadly the presenter Zak does not have these qualities but rather sounds like a child playing with a toy. I feel like he has a little understanding of what he is doing. It really does not inspire confidence and does not for fill my expectations.

I understand that this show may go far but only for the reasons of the fan base with the previous shows.

This is a waste of time for people who have a serious interest for the Occult and the history of these objects.

I really do hope they make some changes to the show because this could be a hit with out the dramatics. rating 4/10. unsure emoticon .

Apology's for any bad Gramma.
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