Code 8 (2016)
Police brutality and powers
5 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Code 8" is a 10-minute live action short film that was released on Youtube a couple days ago and quickly racked up hundreds of thousands of views. This does not make it a good film though. It takes place in a world where certain people possess superpowers and the police fight them with lots of violence. Pretty generic and uninteresting if you ask me. The mediocre acting wasn't helping either. This is a film that pretty much relies entirely on special effects, visually and audibly, to make up for the lack of a better story. However, at this runtime it is still bearable, but seeing how a full feature film based on this premise got greenlit kinda scares me. I do not expect too much here. I am not a big fan of Stephen Amell on "Arrow" and apparently his popularity is now used to make his little brother a star too. Family affairs like this really suck, especially as Robbie isn't a better actor either. Thumbs down for "Code 8". Don't be fooled by the high rating. I assume this mostly comes from "Arrow" fanboys who automatically love everything that has the name Amell attached to it regardless of the quality. Here it is low quality. Thumbs down.
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