Review of 11.22.63

11.22.63 (2016)
Wasn't what it started out to be
5 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Started out with an excellent premise and was set up to be a truly exceptional piece of Television....sets looked great ...acting pretty good...script was alright...but that storyline of what would happen if Kennedy had lived? that was a powerful story to be told. For the first few episodes it seemed that was the way it was going...then It changed into a love story and the Kennedy narrative became a side issue....don't get me wrong it still hurtled along at a right old pace and was still very watchable but the main premise was more so that after Jakes mission was completed and he returned to the present to find a wasteland of some kind of post apocalyptic wilderness...of which we spent 5 minutes learning or not as the case may be of what went so wrong...surely that was worth an episode in it's own right?....the immediate after affect of the shooting too was hurried and not well thought through with the phone call from JFK being a bit too easy and contrived considering there were so many questions left unanswered etc Overall ...a very watchable piece of TV...the ending was lovely...but not what I had expected from how it all started...and that's my only beef with it...I wanted to see a world where Kennedy had lived...and didn't
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