The Walking Dead: Last Day on Earth (2016)
Season 6, Episode 16
What The Hell Was That?
3 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Last Day on Earth" is a perfect example of what NOT TO DO when you're going to translate such an iconic and major event in the comics into the show and might possibly turn this episode into one of the best one the show will ever get yet. It just tells us that this show is too afraid to do what really matters.

Let's keep it short, unlike this long and dragging finale. The episode starts off with the usual set-up and they decided to only focus on two plot points. The Carol and Morgan story line and the build up to Negan and the Saviors. First of, the Carol and Morgan story line was incredibly mediocre and to be quite frank and honest, we didn't care about it and it didn't compensate for the slow and terribly paced finale. We just get like one important thing from this story line and that was Morgan finally killing and that was it, there was no need to put as much focus and scenes to that subplot this episode delved into. Secondly, the Negan build-up was just so god damn slow and boring, the RV just went to each road block and road block and nothing was literally happening even if the episode tried it's best to add some "suspense" to each road block, we just yawned and rolled our eyes UNTIL he finally came. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was menacing as Negan and he brought hands down one of the, if not the most intense and suspenseful sequence and monologue the show has ever delivered. The reason why the scene worked because even if you had knowledge with what happened in the comics, even if you may already know Negan as a character in the comics, the show exhibits Negan as someone who is more laid back and relaxed in his introduction without showing his yet to be soon psychotic and more carefree side just like in the comics.

BUT, the episode makes a grave mistake by making a decision not to show who died and provide us with a cliffhanger that will get us talking the whole summer. First off, this is something that can come off to some people as being afraid to do something major and they literally have a several months to think about who to kill, but moreover, compared to other shows like Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad, they aren't afraid to show deaths and major moments which gives them such high ratings and reviews and keeps the audience hooked. Unless they do what they did in the Season 5 opener in which they started immediately where the Season 4 cliffhanger ended, then this cliffhanger is more or less forgivable? But the damage has been done and if the character who dies is revealed in the first episode of Season 7 then there wouldn't be that much of an effect anymore because the fans have already discussed this A LOT of times when that time comes and it wouldn't have that same effect compared to having seen the death in this episode.

In the end, the finale is incredibly slow, badly paced and a half- assed ending that will sure get fans talking, but won't give the same effect as to seeing THAT death and closure in this episode.

Verdict: 6.8/10
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