Very exciting train trip
3 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, I've hunted these "one filming location/only few actors" kind of movies lately and this ABSOLUTELY fits in nicely in this category.

I actually doesn't care about plots in this kind of movies, but I must say that, there still COULD be something else in the movie. Maybe something more at the beginning and in the end. Little subplot would be nice. And to be honest, I don't like the idea of driver and his thoughts being unrevealed.

I think those are the reason why this got 7/10 from me. The rest of the film was fantastic! The nice and calm atmosphere before the panic starts fade in and you really start to get thrilled. Even though this is quite "boring" movie. The atmosphere build up nicely and doesn't actually fall flat at any point, which is understandable of course.

I liked it. No plots or anything behind this but still movie is nicely executed. I recommend if you're liking real thrillers (and solid plot is not relevant).
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