Review of Monstroid

Monstroid (1980)
This ain't no Scottish myth.
31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A South American town finds horror in their formerly beautiful lake where an American cement plant has helped to destroy the environment and allegedly create a man-eating monster. "One Life to Live's" own Asa Buchanan, the J.R. Ewing of daytime, is the J R. Ewing of the low budget horror movie, showing little empathy to the people of this once quaint fishing village, caring more about profits than people. James Mitchum is the plant manager who comes to believe in the monster legend, and along with American reporter Andrea Harford, tries to solve the mystery before the entire village becomes a midnight snack for this allegedly hideous creature. Anthony Eisley adds sleaze as a womanizing American factory worker.

Deliciously bad, this poorly photographed horror/science fiction film is watchable, yet at times you find yourself either rolling your eyes to the point where you are seeing out your ears, or yelling at the screen for its obvious stupidity. Add in horror film veteran John Carradine as a sin obsessed priest, and you've got a candidate for the Golden Raspberry for worst horror film of the past 50 years. In his two scenes, Carey's obnoxious character either makes you want to see more of him (he is delightfully over the top) or see him as one of the creature's most pain-stakingly slow eaten meals.

You can see how the North Americans become so hated by the South Americans because practically everything they say is insulting to all Hispanic cultures. There is no hesitation in referring to the Spanish speaking people as all backwards even though it is obvious that they were fine until the Gringos showed up. A subplot concerning the wife of the first victim being called a witch is disturbing. While the ending is left open for a possible sequel (which never happened), the fact is that a sequel might even have been better with the way that the plot was left open. You can also refer to this as probably the most racist (and sexist) horror film ever made.
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