The thing that truly makes one an American . . .
30 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . is the susceptibility to be easily bamboozled. Non-Americans are particularly adept at hoodwinking the soft majority of U.S. citizens, who fancy themselves to be bleeding hearts, eager to turn the other ventricle. Aliens aggressively abuse the feckless fellowship of this ilk, who are eager to give them their last cookie, as well as their tot's final bottle of milk, and the key to the family safety deposit box WITHOUT even being asked! Elmer Fudd is the title character of A PEST IN THE HOUSE. As this Warner Bros. animated short opens, the narrator implicitly designates Daffy Duck as an unqualified Alien Hotel Hiree, signed on to save Upper Management a few bucks by not paying a living wage to a Genuine American Citizen. It's clear that Daffy actually is a Professional Disrupter--an Agitator out to sabotage the "Gland Hotel." This loud-mouth saboteur wages a Reign of Terror against one of the Gland's last few paying customers. Tortured to the end of his rope through sleep deprivation, this patron rightly punches out Daffy's mealy-mouthed enabler--Elmer Fudd--six times. Totally inept in his supervisor's role, Fudd deserves worse. Just before I played A PEST IN THE HOUSE, I heard Ted Cruz explain during CNN's Wisconsin "Town Hall Meeting" exactly WHY America cannot coddle such pests any longer. Warner just recognized the problem 69 years before Ted did.
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