Review of Flash Back

The Flash: Flash Back (2016)
Season 2, Episode 17
30 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was worried about another ep of Barry's really, really, no-good bad idea. But the ep surprised me. By now, besides being experienced with setting ladies' tops on fire, he's also getting adept at knocking himself out. Eobard Wells (EW) was put in an almost comical position of knowing the truth about our Barry but literally can't interfere once he outed himself to the rest of the team and their Barry. Never thought I'd see EW facepalm or feel so gleeful about it. And that interrogation scene! EW has never seem more frightening yet Barry managed to lie effectively. Even I forgot about their Barry! Our Barry really is making progress this season, no matter how molasses-slow.

I hope the dinner scene was a sign the writers are finally getting a handle on how to juggle the Wests into eps. I love the feel of the West-Allen family as a family and not an adjunct of Team Flash. It makes for a better show that Joe, Iris and Wally don't need to be on Team Flash to be important/relevant, that the team isn't the be-all, end-all of Barry Allen's life.

I know there are issues with the time wraith and what Barry's time travel did, but I get the feeling these were to set up future story lines. Such as Hartley turning good. I almost thought he was going to say he was having dinner with his boyfriend, so I was very relieved when he said his parents. Singh has only been married for a year, it'd be cruel to break up his marriage by death/divorce just so they could start Hartley/Singh.

As for Eddie, I almost teared up when I realize what Barry was doing. Eddie deserve more than this, but it's better than nothing. Still holding out hope that we get other versions of him in future eps.

Finally, after watching the Supergirl crossover, I really, truly appreciated Flash's VFX. Yes, they still need to work on getting the actor's face less CGI, but that whole presentFlash v pastFlash was seamless!

Barry ably lying to EW + Hartley turning good + Eddie + VFX = 8.5
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