Finally a superhero movie with some bite
26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Having grown tired of the avengers, x-men, spider-man and all other superhero movies I didn't have high hopes for this one. Fortunately I was pleasantly surprised and absolutely loved this movie. Let's be honest the main worry for everyone here was Ben Affleck. I'm pleased to say no need to worry. Affleck's Batman is deep dark and forbidding with a sense fury and danger about him that no other batman has carried to date. One of the things that usually annoys me about the aforementioned superhero movies is the toned down violence. They manage to save the world from evil without even breaking a nail. This is not the case here! Dark DC comic lovers can revel in the kind of brutality the batman is known for. This is no merciful humanitarian batman. He's here to break heads end of discussion! It is more akin to the raid in places than other batman movies. So what if Heny Cavill? While I feel he was outshine by the magnificent batman he did an amazing job as superman and handled the larger than life grudge match with his tough hombre peer superbly. Acting was top north and effects were even better. Don't miss this one it is unlike anything you've seen before!
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