Current worst movie I've ever seen
23 March 2016
Good. Gravy. Some of the notoriously bad movies I leave feeling almost robbed, since I find at least one worthwhile thing. Manos was inept on every level, but the story was at least an idea (note that I didn't say a good one). Zombie Nightmare at least had Adam West and Tia Carrere in it. Reefer Madness and Batman & Robin I find too silly to get really angry about. Monster a-Go Go... I've got nothing.

This is first time I've gotten headaches and nausea from the cinematography alone. Not anything displayed on screen, the camera- work by itself was enough to make me sick. As if that weren't enough, every frame looks like the negative was photocopied 17 times and spliced together, the sound and dialogue made me think my ear buds had gone dead, and the concept itself makes no sense. Given that the project had been abandoned in 1961, then picked up, finished, and put out in 1965, it should come as a surprise to no one that the story is borderline incomprehensible - I'm talking trying to divide by zero while drunkenly stumbling through a hedge maze levels of confounded here. Of course, that's not even close to the biggest problem with the movie: the ending. Not since Robot Monster have I seen such a cop- out conclusion for a movie so mind- bogglingly lazy, out-of-place, nonsensical, and insulting to the audience.

This thing is the current title holder for the worst movie ever made, in my own opinion. If there comes a film to dethrone it, I will retract this statement accordingly. However, I am convinced that it would have to consist of two hours of TV static with a cat hacking up in the background while a monkey takes a tire iron to my skull for me to even slightly consider it for my bottom spot, and even then it likely still wouldn't be as bad as Monster a-Go Go.
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