ReBoot: When Games Collide (1995)
Season 2, Episode 3
"No delays!" "Maximum drain!" "I heard the boss.." "Push away!" "Okay dokey!"
23 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so for me like the vast majority of them this is a very good episode, I love the way the writers are beginning to try out new kinds of scenarios involving the games that help to keep them interesting, not that they weren't ever fine just by themselves as far as I'm concerned. This one sees Megabyte embarking on a new type of scheme to create a very Stargate-like portal to the Supercomputer by syphoning energy out of a 50's-esc Lost in Space type game, which causes it to slow down to a crawl which makes the User(dead ringer for Samus Aran's ship from Super Metroid!) pitifully easy to beat even for Enzo! I'm really starting to love Hack and Slash, their banter as the bicker over every little thing is hilarious. Things become decidedly more hazardous when Megabyte's persistent efforts cause the next game to utterly crash, and when a backup game descends and begins to crazily distort and corrupt an armed combat game and a dinosaur jungle combine into one, creating chaotic game sprites like pterodactyl aeroplanes and a T-Rex with a cannon for a head in a game in which Megabyte and Bob are trapped and forced into a situation where they must work together to survive! I love that about this one, seeing the guardian and virus become unlikely allies, at least until Megabyte inevitably turns on Bob to save his own metal skin! As a very brief team they had pretty good chemistry.. I love the moment when Megabyte's using Enzo to try out his experimental portal and he's holding up Enzo who yells that he'll "Never get away with this!" or whatever, and Megabyte chuckles back at him good naturedly like he finds it all such a hoot, what a classy villain! And it makes Megabyte a tiny bit more complex when he shows a slight glimpse of his honourable side when he repays Bob for saving him in the game by allowing them all to leave his base unharmed. But the menacing way in which he says what he does as the episode ends I think in a way kind of foreshadows his more darker deeds to come in season 2's last episode! I love how this show was ahead of its time in ways big and small. Like how Dot's using a device so like the tablets that everyone except me seems to have these days, so long before they were even invented. Fun episode, it's neat to see games as well as friend and foe combine together. Tata!
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