Game of Thrones: Kill the Boy (2015)
Season 5, Episode 5
Good plot development as the season reaches its midpoint
23 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The previous episode left us wondering about the fate of Ser Barristan Selmy and Grey Worm; here we learn that the former has died and the latter was seriously wounded. Daenerys decides that she must take action and has the leaders of the city's richest families arrested and brought to her. She takes them to her dragons who kill and eat one of them; she warns that the same may happen to one of the others the next day but ultimately decides on a different strategy after a talk with Missandei. Elsewhere in Essos Tyrion and Jorah Mormont reach the ancient, abandoned city of Valyria where they see the third of Daenerys's dragons and are attacked by a group of Stone Men.

Back in Westeros Jon frees the Wildling Tormund Giantsbane and agrees on a plan to get the Free People north of the wall to help in the coming war in exchange for land south of the wall. Meanwhile Stannis prepares to head south in an attempt to liberate Winterfell. At Winterfell Sansa meets Theon for the first time since she left for the capital with her father in Season One. She is also told that she has friends who are looking out for her.

This was another fine episode with some solid plot advancement. Daenerys's story moved along nicely; showing both her hard side and a more conciliatory side. The way her dragons burnt and ate one of her prisoners was impressive; one could almost believe that dragons were real. The scenes featuring Peter Dinklage and Iain Glen as Tyrion and Jorah Mormont were a delight with some enjoyably dialogue, spectacular scenery and a dramatic struggle against the Stone Men. It was great to finally see the Stone Men after they have been mentioned many times in relation to what will happen to those suffering from grey-scale. The events in Winterfell were tense; one never knows if Iwan Rheon's Ramsey Bolton is going to do something horrible; any time he is on screen there is a feeling that something bad could happen at any moment. The scene where he torments Theon in front of his father and Sansa was particularly uncomfortable. The scenes at Castle Black may not have been as tense but they were still interesting; Jon's mission to recruit Wildlings and Stannis setting off towards Winterfell both promise interesting events to come. Overall another really good episode even though many major characters did not feature.
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