Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor (2013)
Season 8, Episode 0
Time's End for the Eleventh Doctor
19 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen episode.

This I thought was a great send off for the Eleventh Doctor, he's my second favorite Doctor if you can believe that which made his departure all the more sad for me.

I like the plot line which in a way is sort of like your one or few against the world premise which is cool though in this case it's against the universe, as the Doctor is forced to defend a planet called Christmas which of course becomes Trensalore in the future from forces that want to destroy the portal that contains Galafrey and of course every nasty posse wants to destroy it for no good reason. So if the Doctor leaves the planet undefended for a mere moment then both planets are destroyed. Yeah, it's a pretty tall order for the Doctor let alone anyone.

This is a different premise because the Doctor never stayed in one place for a lifetime, let alone the fact he is literally defending two entirely planets throughout that lifetime. One of the moments that was interesting was seeing a wooden Cyberman as a way to shield of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver frequency. But of course they overlooked one crucial detail as that Cyberman can't be wood all over.

But then of course things get really emotional as we see Clara come to the Doctor's homestead. I really like how the place has letters and pictures of the Doctor all around, it pretty much represents us the fans and how long our love for him. I'll admit when I saw the Doctor really old, it really made my heart sink because it reminded me of how mortal he truly is.

The whole theme of the episode is about facing the end, seeing him old and possibly dying just shows that no one lives forever and how precious time truly is.

We then see a moment where it looks really bad for the planet as the Daliek mother ship swoops down along with an armada and are about to annihilate him and everything else. At that point I wasn't really sure what the Doctor or anyone can do. But then of course the planet Galafrey gives the Doctor regenerative energy, pretty much a whole new lease on life. I personally thought it was a spectacular moment as we see the Doctor literally have the power of a God, as he is just blasting away at the Dalieks and the Mothership, this moment also marks the Eleventh Doctor going out in a blaze of glory.

Then it of course comes down to the final moment which are the most heartbreaking of all. After the Doctor gives a final speech that was great, we then see someone from his past which is Amy Pond. That moment was really tugged at my heart string as we know Amy has passed on a long time ago, though I wish they also had Rory and River I not sure why they didn't but oh well. But all th same seeing Amy again and what she says to the Doctor showed that the Eleventh Doctor is going to be joining his family which is something he never really had much.

And of course we see him take off that bow tie and it drops to the ground. That's when I know the Eleventh Doctor is gone; that just made me break down and cry. Clara says one last thing to him, "Please don't change." that's exactly how I felt about the Eleventh Doctor and every other Doctor before him.

Farewell Matt Smith, you really brought out the best as the Doctor which is why you'll be greatly missed, but like the constellations in the sky timeless.

Rating: 4 stars
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