funniest show on TV
14 March 2016
Samantha Bee on Full Frontal (TBS) is killing it! The sharpest, funniest show on television. Bee's delivery is machine gun fast so you may have to hit the rewind button to catch all the jokes. She skewers politicians on both sides of the aisle. This show is a tonic for anyone who's sick and tired of the pomposity, hypocrisy and flat out lies of our supposed "leaders". For anyone missing Jon Stewart and the old Daily Show, this is a worthy successor. I think it's smart that the show is on weekly. This format allows for a more in-depth take on breaking news. Full Frontal and John Oliver's show on HBO are offering the smartest commentary on the U.S. body politic. Hope it's getting the ratings it deserves to insure it stays on the air beyond the current election cycle.
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