Jai Gangaajal (2016)
A typical cop drama, thats elevated by some good performances,and punchy dialogues. Prakash Jha the actor is a revelation.
4 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Jai Gangaajal is exactly what I excepted the film would be after viewing the films trailer. Its a film that doesn't break any new ground, its has the typical been there, done that story, its almost a remake of the 2003 Gangaajal (its prequel but the films story doesn't continue) , it follows the same template of being a cop drama where there is some type of oppression against the "aam admi"and the public take things in there own hands. Some topical issues of farmers committing suicide etc are highlighted in the film which makes Jai Gangaajal a very relatable, film about today times( there still is a 90s bollywood cop drama hangover feeling though). There is enough hard hitting massy dialogues, and action to keep one engaged. Also the film springs a surprise in the acting department.But is JG worth your hard earned cash, well lets analyze.

Story wise Bankepur is just another town in Central India that is plagued with corruption, land grabbing, rape and farmer suicides. Amidst all this is Bhole Nath Singh , a cop who has made an empire by selling his conscience and duties towards the people. He is the right hand of Bablu Pandey who is running for elections and his younger brother Dablu.While BN Singh is quite happy being a servant of corruption than being a public servant, his outlook changes when Abha Mathur takes over as the DSP.She means business and is all set to bring law and order in a town that has forgotten it. Will she be able to bring peace to a town that is being ravaged by its own politicians?

Acting wise the newcomer/veteran director ( director of this film) Prakash Jha, is a revelation in the film. I never knew PJ could be such a spectacular actor, the way he transforms from bad guy to good guy in the film is really surprising, his act is so nuanced for a first time actor( he is in his 60s). Watchout for the scene when he beats up Dablu, and channels his inner Amitabh Bachchan from Zanjeer. Priyanka Chopra gives a very realistic, and subtle performance. She makes one believe she is a real cop. Its another job well done for the amazing actress. She needed to mellow down on the makeup for a cop role though. Manav Kaul is at ease as the typical villainous politician. Ninad Kamat is loud, and over acts at times but is passable as the MLA's land grabbing brother.

Honestly I have been a huge fan of Prakash Jha, and his brand of cinema. Raajneeti, Apharan etc are some of my all time favourite Hindi films, and honestly till date I have never disliked any of films, so I had decent expectations with Jai Gangaajal. But I must say this is his weakest film, but thats not saying much because JG is far from being a bad film, its a decent watch still. JG will appeal to the mass audiences more than the class audiences because the film has a rustic vibe, and the massy dialogues in the film are made to appeal to the back benchers who love to whistle and clap on such scenes. The film does hold ones attention, and the films topical issues like farmers committing suicide due to poverty, rape, and land grabbing make for grim riveting, realisticish watch. The true India, the India which excludes the privileged elite metropolitan area(Bombay,Delhi, Bangalore, etc) is shown well in the film. The common man just has no power, no money, no anything pretty much and that is shown well in the film. JG is a good mix of, realistic cinema, plus the added spice of masala dialogues and action. The films highlight is when the public takes things into there own hands and do public made up suicides. And when Prakash Jha turns good and wreck havocs( when the kid takes revenge for his sister). However JG is way over the top at times, for example people die so easily without any repercussions, and people grab land like there M&M's, the cops and Indian democratic system is not that impotent as shown in the film. The films story also is very routine, and Prakash himself has rehashed this kind of story before (in Gangaajaal). The film has no novelty. The films music is average, the background score is okay, and the production values are okay, they suit the rustic vibe of the film but there could have been more real locations rather than sets.

Overall Jai Gangaajal is not a must watch, but its a one time watch for sure. The great performances, the enjoyable political story, and punchy dialogues make for a good watch.People going in excepting a Priyanka Chopra show all the way will in for some of disappointment/surprise its a Prakash Jha film all the way acting and directing.

3.25/5* 66% C+
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