Not high brow comedy but not low brow either
4 March 2016
For a low budget movie with questionable cgi this is a slow burner that does catch fire.

Where this wins over similar competitors is its awareness of its audience. Its smart humour is based in solid foundations of its watchers references whether it is Star Wars or Lord of the Rings (OK I gave it away), it's a nerd movie. Still with solid actors like Marsters, Johnston as protagonists and even Denton who projects himself well beyond some excellent Orc makeup effects this film is in safe hands. Luke Perry I would not have recognised in a thousand years does OK but is overshadowed by his contemporaries who provide energetic and articulate voices for their roles.

I would admit the guys get all the best lines and the female characters are not as well served in this area. A bit more flesh on their characters bones would have been appreciated. The pacing of the movie however was well done and the low budget cgi effects for the backdrops reminded me of the old Dr Who green screen, which to my mind added to the charm of this movie.

While this film is no "Princess Bride", If you appreciate intelligent movies that don't take themselves too seriously then you might just have found a little gem.
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