11.22.63 (2016)
Superb show, intriguing and beguiling with massive potential.
3 March 2016
I've rarely left reviews for TV shows, but this has me hooked with it's premise. The ability to change history, for the better. But each time you go back, history resets itself to the original timeline. And regardless of how long you stay in the past, when you come back...only 2 minutes will have passed in the present! Saving John F. Kennedy is the primary motive for "Mr Amberson" (Played impeccably by Franco). Yet will it result in a better world should he succeed? Massive questions and plenty of unpredictability. Franco is beset by a number of moral dilemma's, trying to make sense of doing a bad acts which will benefit the greater good. But the moment he comes close to changing the future, time itself pushes back in emphatic fashion.

Stephen King's fingerprints are all over this, a good thing. The usual King cliché's of it being set in Maine, centred around a divorcée/loner/Average Joe and some rather humorous dialogue apply, but only for a while as there is an underlying sense of unknown that draws the viewer in.

My fear with this series is that it will only be a 1 season run, because the amount of narrative, plot and sheer depth of potential needs to be exploited fully over a number of seasons. But from the early going, 9.5/10.
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