I was a Celebrity, does any one remember me here?
29 February 2016
Very staged and synthetic presentation that really brings reality TV to a brand new low. I have seen just enough to see an appalling disrespect for another culture and the show constantly mistreats wild life with careless abandonment for the sake of very misguided entertainment. Any celebrity that appears on this show is sending out a pretty clear message to everyone that there careers are flagging and some how hoping this show will pummel there status forward, it is a sad reflection on society that a device like this can in fact do just that, all be it token and short lived. Julia Morris is a saving grace as her over flamboyant presentation is almost artform in execution, something that viewers will be no doubt polarised by for sure. She a remarkable talent and well above this dog of a show.

It is really hard to believe that with the existing talent in Australia that such a commercial infrastructure is in place where programming like this, based on over seas content can get off the ground. Ultimately it means most of the revenue created by this program will go off shore to perpetuate more rubbish that we will again go on to reconstitute and do more damage to local production and original ideas.

It should be shut down and forgotten. Horrible.
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