Review of The Visit

The Visit (I) (2015)
The impossible has happened... it's an M. Night Scamilan film and it didn't completely suck
2 March 2016
Well, OK, it had some sucky components.

As usual -

* Overblown characters with excessive dwelling on them doing cartoony, cute, 'stuff', as a substitute for actual development. And them doing ridiculous things that nobody would actually do.

* Speechy-preachy dialogue.

* Long, drawn-out scenes, over and over - except that this time most of them - MOST of them - actually *contribute* to the overall effect rather than just boring the viewer.

* Focus on the completely wrong targets: the guy always makes the film he thinks he's making, rather than the one the viewers actually end up seeing, so you end up with these completely non-sequitur, irrelevant 'development' scenes. In this case there is a completely tacked-on pre-ending that leaves the viewer going 'Why is this here? Why are we supposed to care?'


Amazingly, NONE of which destroys it:


The intro is attention-grabbing.

The build-up is stately and involving.

The Weird piles-on quite disturbingly.

And the twist is a GOOD one instead of something DUMB!


This is the first thing I've seen since The 6th Sense that wasn't write-off rubbish.

Maybe he's got on, or off, the right medication??



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