Yawn. Nothing to see here.
2 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the trailer, the reviews, the promos, etc. they really had me hooked with lines like, "Gripping!", "Better than any fiction story", "A horror film come to life", "A town divided by hate", etc. I thought, "Wow. This seems like something I want to see. The town seems small. I'm guessing a few hundred people live there." But partway through the movie I learned the town only has around 20 people and my interest in it sank. I watched the movie with bored eyes as I wanted to finish it but couldn't get over my resentment at being mislead.

The filmmakers and the reviewers make this seem like some harrowing story. But, in reality, nobody cares about some white supremacist setting up shop on a few acres of dirt with 24 people in North Dakota. Not even North Dakota people care about this. A place inhabited by 24 people isn't even a town. I'd call that merely a stretch of dirt with 24 people on it. Doesn't a town need at least 100 people?

I may sound like a snob, but come on, does anyone really care if some white supremacist sets up shop in a place with two dozen people? If it was more than 100, I'd be interested. But a place with 24 people? Who cares? If you read about it in the newspaper, you'd think, "The New York Times is running an article about some deranged white supremacist setting up shop in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota amongst a so-called town of 24 people in the hopes of creating some booming all-white metropolis? Who cares? Is this news worthy? Let those supremacists set up shop up there. There are no women there. No jobs. Few other white supremacists are gonna make an effort to live there. If they don't freeze their balls off and return to the place they original came from, they'll die of boredom because there's nothing fun to do out there. I have better things to do than care about what happens to some pile of dirt in North Dakota. I'm gonna go watch paint dry."

Am I lying when I say that's what people would think if this movie was a news article? The New Yorkers who made this documentary knew people would think this if they read it in an article. So in order to make this boring story interesting, they had to over blow the hype to the extreme. All this hype about how it's fascinating and some sort of interesting story about today's America is garbage. Don't believe the hype. This documentary is nothing more than these bored hipsters' trying their hardest to break into the film industry.
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