Tired and not very funny, if I'm honest
27 February 2016
GEORGE AND MILDRED is one of the last-gasp British TV spin-offs that were made during the 1970s. Initially Hammer helped to popularise the cycle with their successful ON THE BUSES trilogy, and before long we had movie adaptations of pretty much every popular TV series going.

I never actually watched the TV show GEORGE AND MILDRED, but I gather it was substantially different from this rather lacklustre vehicle for the stars. Brian Murphy and Yootha Joyce are transported from their surroundings and plonked down in a luxury hotel, where all manner of supposedly humorous situations arise, like Murphy being mistaken for a hit-man.

The humour is of the sniggering, nudge nudge, wink wink variety, and not very funny to be honest. Except double entendres galore and some very lame character jokes. Murphy and Joyce try their hardest, but the paucity of the budget is rather apparent in the skid-row production values, and it's impossible to ignore the scene where shots are being fired point blank at a car window and it refuses to break. Old-time stars including Kenneth Cope, Stratford Johns, Harry Fowler, and a likable Dudley Sutton (who references his role in THE LEATHER BOYS) play in support.
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