Unfunny "horror" film
25 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
100 Bloody Acres was pretty bloody awful. The acting was good, but when the screenplay is this bad you really have to feel sorry for the actors for doing such a commendable job with such a weak script.

Horribly unfunny.

What little humor there was in this movie was of the situational variety, which works well in a TV sitcom if the jokes and acting back it up. In this film the acting was good, but thats it. There was nothing funny about it at all. It was a poor attempt to cash in on the success of Shaun of the Dead, without that movie's charm and charisma and .. most importantly .. actual humor.

A couple of gross out moments tried to save it, but really? A masturbation scene and a maternal incest scene? What were they going for? Australian Pie? Just poor taste and unfunny. This movie sucked.
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