Everything Happens for a Reason
25 February 2016
In the movie Saved by Grace Rick, a former policeman who is still suffering from the death of his wife feels hopeless until he meets a woman called Grace. He soon discovers that Grace's story mirrors Rick's own. Even though at first Rick is completely unaware of this when he first meets her. The funny part is that the character of Grace shows up at exactly the right moment, when he is about to destroy himself. As the story progresses there is a rather romantic dance scene between the two co-stars, which is choreographed to flawless perfection. The movie gets a lot of strong points for it's good use of humor. Some of the life lessons that can be learned from this film include the fact that nothing happens by coincidence. As Catalina Rodriguez's character says everything happens for a reason. There is a slight emphasis on the meaning of life, which makes the people watching think twice about how they go about their everyday routine. Most people today are so busy with their constant routine to the point that they go on autopilot, like robots without stopping to think and just enjoy life. As the wise homeless man in the movie, played by Muse Watson says "sometimes you have to stop to smell the flowers."
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