Excellent topical comedy
25 February 2016
I just finished watching the first two episodes of Full Frontal and I am really impressed. I always liked Sam Bee when she was on the Daily Show, but on her own show she is even better. The jokes come thick and fast, and are delivered with a kind of manic energy that takes full advantage of Sam's skills as a physical performer. That she is not stuck behind a desk helps too, and allows her to deliver her monologues in new and interesting ways, such as hugging sections of the set and weeping about how she's going to lose her comedy show because she agrees with Donald Trump about something.

The sense of humour is also surprisingly dark, which I personally love. One moment in particular, where Sam reacts to Ted Cruz winning in Iowa gave me a proper belly laugh. The show does not shy away from making the audience uncomfortable, and has no shame in making its stance on issues like women's rights and abortion clear. I think this is brave and important, and I can't wait to see the piece on women in the workplace that was teased at the end of episode 2.

So after that glowing review you might wonder why I only gave it 9? Well as good as the show is, there have only been two episodes so far, and some of the segments aren't quite as solid as the others. However you very much get the feeling that the show is just finding its feet, and once it does I would not be surprised if Full Frontal became essential viewing.
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