Sunny Skies (1930)
Mildly enjoyable....but these kids never seem to go to class!
22 February 2016
I've noticed that in just about every college film made during the 1930s that the students never are show in class! And, although it's also about college football, very, very little of the film shows any football!

When Jim (Rex Lease) arrives at college, he's a decent guy and you can see that when a group of students are picking on poor Benny (Benny Rubin). Jim saves the day and instantly becomes Benny's friend. However, as the school year progresses, the star player, Jim, starts drinking, his grades slip and he even injures a member of the team in a fight. Not surprisingly, he's tossed out of school. But, being a good guy down deep, Jim works hard to get back in school and on the team. But that isn't enough for him...and he more than proves his worth by the end of the film.

In many ways, Jim is playing the sort of part William Haines made popular at MGM--a guy who is talented lets it all go to his head and his disappoints everyone...only to prove by the end he's a stand-up fellow after all. Soon after this, Lease and Rubin returned with a very similar film, but this time about baseball..."Hot Curves".

Overall, this is an enjoyable time-passer from tiny little Tiffany Studios. Not brilliant by any stretch but for 1930, it's a nice little film.
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