Good for several laughs. Remember, it was 1939.
20 February 2016
By 1939, movie audiences were well acquainted with Dick Powell's singing talents. The absence of Powell's crooning in "Naughty But Nice" (NBN) probably wasn't a disappointment to movie-goers, and they were likely amused by his performance, which was against type. Theater audiences in 1939 wouldn't have expected Powell's character, uptight college professor and composer Donald Hardwick, to put in a singing performance in this film.

Don't miss the scene early in NBN that takes place in the dining room of the Hardwick home, as Donald's aunts reveal why they haven't spoken with their sister in years. Listen closely to the dialogue as they reveal the story of the brash musician she married, his instrument of choice, his nickname, and the title of the last song he performed before his untimely death. That dialogue had to have spawned at least a few laughs in theaters in 1939.
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