Paper Towns (2015)
Annoying, Desperate, Pretentious Tweens
20 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Paper Towns is about a cocky, attention seeking drifter who takes advantage of the vice grip she has over this creepy guys balls, unintentionally sending him on a potentially life ruining quest to find her. Dear God! This movie is terrible, absolutely bloody terrible.

First of all the Dialogue is ATROCIOUS. It's as if a couple older white men got high and wrote what their half baked brains thought a stereotypical teen would say. The script is simply like the film, extremely pretentious with very little/ no substance whatsoever, coming across as desperate.

And the story is awful too, the film is literally about a teen with a boner for his neighbour, who helps her commit various crimes before she disappears. The boy, blinded by his crush, attempts to work out the clues his crush has left to be found, only to cast his friends aside and find out the clues weren't to be found and followed at all which is EXACTLY NOT WHY YOU LEAVE CLUES. This makes for such a stupid disappointing ending.

The characters in this film are annoying. Q has no self respect and his creepy white friend is unfunny and obnoxious. Margo is basically every bad quality possible put into one human being and her name is probably one of the most pathetic movie character names ever, Margo Roth Spiegelman, I cringed every time she is referred to her by her full name.

Overall the main issue with Paper Towns is the script and story. The film wants to be deep and meaningful o so desperately but there is just no substance to this horrible horrible movie. The characters are unlikable, the story is stupid, the dialogue is terrible and to be honest this film was only made because The Fault in Our Stars did well and the studios clearly wanted to make big profits on doing another one of John Greens YA books. This film is bad, really, really, really bad. Please do not see this film even if you are paid to. It's not worth the pain. Go watch Me and Earl and the Dying Girl because that movie is meaningful and amazing! End of rant.
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