Survivor (I) (2014)
Don't know the speed of light? Just make up a number!
20 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you have anything over a 5th grade education, you might want to avoid seeing this and insulting your intelligence! Although the star (Danielle Churchram) is very pretty and (spoiler alert) she can jump around on rocks really good... it's hard to watch anyone do that for the better part of an hour! The music was done well, but the music build up could not be taken seriously as the plot and story line was just that weak. I don't know if you can call this movie a SiFi as that would indicate that there was some kind of science utilized. Whatever scientific information that were spewed from the script's pages, were not even close to being right. Next time guys... Google "What's the speed of light?" instead of making up some silly number! And learn about wormholes and what they're supposed to do! lol
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