With some laughs and an unpredictable story, How to Be Single is a surprisingly likable movie.
17 February 2016
Valentine's Day has just come and gone and serves as a reminder with how special relationships can be. The holiday also can be harder for those that are not in relationships. It's not just for those that are sad that they are alone, but it even harder for those that are content with their single status. Some often questions for those that are fine with being single are, "Isn't life just sad without a lover?" and "your moment will come soon". I'll bet that the person that tell you that are ones that are in relationships (like your friends or even parents) and are not walking in your shoes.

I myself have been in and out of relationships enough to know the benefits of being single. For one thing, the extra time gives me a chance to explore other hobbies. Traveling alone is awesome as you get total freedom with what you want to see. You even have a better chance to hang with friends (whether they are in relationships or not). It's within this grace period when you can also decide with even if your ready to give romantic relationships another go. Different women explore the single lifestyle in How to Be Single.

Recent post grad Alice (played by Dakota Johnson) decides to put a break on her college boyfriend in order to go see the world. Her heart takes her to New York City where she acquires a job as a paralegal and a couch to sleep on at her older sister Meg (played by Leslie Mann). She also gains a friend with Robin (played by Rebel Wilson), who uses her single lifestyle to party and have constant one night stands. She teaches Alice how to successfully pick up guys and how to have fun the Robin way.

One such place for Robin and Alice is a bar run by Tom, who has an even bigger routine for one night stands, going as far to remove food and running water in his apartment so that women have to leave the next morning. Tom becomes friends with the young woman living above him, Lucy (played by Alison Brie), whose so determined to find the right guy that she even creates an algorithm and posts several profiles on dating websites. While Alice and Rebel continue to explore with hat it means to be single, Meg decides to become a mother through sperm donation and even starts to date a guy younger then her.

I'll give How to Be Single a lot of credit for not falling into the traps of most romantic comedies. That's not to say that it does in some areas, but often the story will drift into different directions, not letting you sure where things are going to end up.

The movie takes advantage of the fact that it's a comedy and while Rebel Wilson does will with her usual personality you've seen before (though without making any predictable fat jokes), I would have not expected Dakota Johnson to be as funny as she was.

How to Be Single is probably one of the few chick flick movies that prove that they can be just as funny as any guy comedy. A lot of the dialogue reminded me a lot of Bridesmaids and 500 Days of Summer. While some situations, especially the sub plot of Alison Brie's character, don't connect to the main story, a lot of it is made up with it's own humor.

As I said, despite making jokes about romance, it accidentally follows some romantic film clichés like falling for someone too quickly, but they don't happen too often.

I'll give this seven single statuses out of ten. How to Be Single was a genuine surprise with how much it made me laugh and not be able to know where the story was going. It should make most single people feel good…and even those that are in relationships.
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