15 February 2016
This is a miniseries about the German efforts to create the first nuclear bomb as well as the Allied effort to put a stop to it. Much of the film is set in Norway, as it was the center for Nazi deuterium production. Because of this, the series is in Norwegian, English and German (with a tiny bit of French). While it might not sound that interesting, it is--provided you are patient and give the programs a chance. My only reservations are minor. First, although it's stylish, the shaky cam is a STUPID idea and I have no idea why it's used throughout the show. I watched it on a very large screen TV and it practically induced motion sickness. Second, the CGI of the B-17s was rather poor. Eight year old episodes of "Dogfights" look better and more realistic. Still, with excellent acting, an engaging script and a nice history lesson, it's well worth seeing.

By the way, some of what occurs in the show can also be seen in the excellent Kirk Douglas film "The Heroes of Telemark"--and is mostly covered in episode 6 of the series.
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