not good enough
15 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The classic fairy tale of a beautiful girl who has to live with the beast in order to protect her family. Now, the story follows almost the well known one, which is more than fine, as most of the Beauty and the Beast nowadays tend to alter the story too much. The landscapes were beautiful, the castle, the tower, the forest, even Belle's country house. And the costumes were nice, some of Belle's garments though were a little too much. Now, the story started okay, with a nice pace, but started rushing towards the end. When did Belle fell in love with the beast? I must have missed that part between watching her having dreams about the past and running away from him after taking a pick of him gorging over a deer. The special effects were a little childish and certainly unrealistic, but the final battle was okay. For me, the prince\beast should have been played by a younger man, but other than that the performances were nice and not too much over the top. So 3 out of 10.
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