Above Average
12 February 2016
Jump to the last 3 lines! the rest of this is dribble that IMDb wants us to put in as if its going to make a difference!

I LIKE the part of the movie where if you weren't watching it would have you thinking of the last part where they tried to write 10 lines of dribble but in this case the last frame was what I expected while others might of though that posts have NO life so IMDb makes us write 10 lines of dribble.

Don't stop me I'm still trying to write dribble dribble dribble.

My pet peeves are long drown out reviews from credits wannabe's and this site forces you to put in more then 10 lines which is totally ridiculous!

My review is the last 3 lines so skip over all the BS that IMDb makes you dribble in as if we have no life and really care about others.

Everyone knows that there are very few horror/thriller movies made that are 10's so with that being said I look for quality in filming and this one is above average. IMHO its well worth the watch
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