Spry, fearless and, above all, hilarious
10 February 2016
The opening monologue was like a machine gun, punching holes in what has to be the weirdest election cycle of all time. A fearless concise enfilade that instantly made all the other similar commentary seem redundant, meek and prolix. By the time the opening was over, all other late night comedy hosts, save John Oliver, were put on notice to step up their game or be trampled under a sensible 3" heel. The contrast between Bee's spitfire take-downs and Colbert's thoughtless nodding agreement with Bill O'Reilly spewing forth the FOX news narrative one half hour later drove that point home. Bee's delegation to correspondents for the field piece indicated that she's planning to be the ring-leader of a terrifying truth/comedy-machine reminiscent of Jon Stewart of 2007-08 & 2011-12.
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