The Flash: Welcome to Earth-2 (2016)
Season 2, Episode 13
Nit-picker's review
10 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
What's not to love about this ep? Nothing. But that's not to say there weren't nits to pick. So since everyone will be all about the good parts (and rightly so), I'll be the nitpicker.

1. Yes, they set up the context for Barry's going off track. Yes, it was FANTASTIC seeing Barry & Cisco geeking the heck out of E2. But Harry was always there, right there in front of them, the ever present reminder why they're there in the 1st place. I'm amazed Harry held it together as it is.

2. Yes, there would have been issues for E2 Barry/Jesse if Barry exposed himself at Jitterbugs. Still, Barry was in that situation because he put himself there. So E2 Joe's death is on him. There better be a slap, if not a full roundhouse, from E2 Iris when they meet in the next ep.

3. I know the budget is tight, but if they can spend the money on extras in every other scene, why not spring a little more so poor Iris isn't stuck with just Can't-Shoot Lawton and Cisco a guy she just met as her back up? They're going after the people who terrorized the city and killed her father, not 2-bit purse-snatchers.

4. Yes, Reverb was a wonderful surprise and his/Cisco interactions was great, but they spent way too much time talking while everyone else stood around waiting for the Reverb/Cisco info dump to finish.

5. Poor Caitlin and Ronnie. No matter what universe, they're destined to be separated every single time. And also, they should have literally steamed up when they kissed.

Still. This was the BEST ep this season. Bar none. It was great from beginning to end, rather than just have 1 or 2 really good scene/CGI-candy as was the case for this season until now. Kudos for the less noticeable Easter eggs:

  • Dandy-criminal Singh! And they didn't skimp on showing Captain Singh!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the distinct beards!

  • Sweet/adorkable Henry Hewitt (which reminds me that E1 Hewitt is still illegally imprisoned...)

  • E2 Dr. Stein! (poor guy)

  • E2 Mayor Snart!!! But would that be Captain Cold or General Cold? And is Heatwave head of CCPD and the rest of the Rogues city employees?

  • Can't-Shoot-Side-of-a-BarnDeadshot!!! (I didn't even know Barry knew E1 Deadshot.)

Bottomline, this ep was great because the show finally remembered to have FUN.

Score: 9.5
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