Miss Dove...teacher, humanitarian....robot.
8 February 2016
"Good Morning, Miss Dove" is a very episodic movie in which Jennifer Jones plays the title character, a robot teacher. She clearly IS a robot as she talks with zero inflection and sounds about as human as Gort.

When the film begins, the 60-something Miss Dove is teaching her students in a manner that is rigid and joyless. Soon, she begins experiencing medical symptoms and she has one of her students fetch a doctor. Then, throughout the film, Miss Dove experiences a lot of flashbacks--not because of an illness or the ingestion of hallucinogens but because it's all supposed to be inspiring. The one I particularly liked was the first, as it explained why Miss Dove went into teaching...though I would have preferred a flashback in which you saw her creator assembling her from vacuum tubes and bits of metal.

If it sounds like I wasn't thrilled about the film, you are right! There have been a lot of better films about dedicated teachers and Jones' performance was a HUGE deficit of the movie. She seemed almost inhuman and softening her character a bit (so that she'd be less zombie-like) would have improved the picture considerably. It's a shame, as some of the flashbacks are quite enjoyable and the film in not without merit. I liked the various supporting characters and their stories.

My overall score is 5. If they had done something to humanize Miss Dove more and make her the least bit realistic, they film could have earned a much higher score.
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