Lovely film
8 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a beautifully and passionately made film about a woman, Peggy Guggenheim, whose name is well known, but the details of whose long life, until now, haven't been that well known. One thing that stood out for me was how many tragedies she suffered -- father died on the Titanic, a sister died in childbirth, the love of her life died in surgery, and two of her nephews fell from a skyscraper and died. Any one of those events would have felled many people. But she carried on. And even though she was very wealthy, negotiating the very male dominated world of artists and galleries would have been difficult. She was one tough lady, yet she not only survived, but thrived, through what the film makes clear is a genuine love of the art, of artists and the art world. The list of interviewees and the showcase of galleries and artworks, spliced with historic footage and social context, is impeccable. From an early age, it would have been much easier for Ms Guggenheim to sit back and become a ditzy socialite, spending her millions shopping and travelling, but instead she chose a much more interesting cerebral and artistic life. What an amazing lady.
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