A unique perspective on Black Rock City
28 January 2016
It's been a decade since I last stepped foot on the playa, and I've been yearning for it again, so dug into some newer documentaries about the event, including this one. Seeing this free-spirited Canadian kid who spends his life DJing and festival hopping coordinate (poorly) the transportation of his parents to Burning Man in an old school bus, and then spending the event with them and documenting their discovery of it was very enjoyable. Although documenting or even experiencing all that such a huge event has to offer is impossible, his parents clearly made an effort to be open to new ideas and exploring as much as they could, day and night. Sharing their 'aha' moments when their preconceptions were erased by direct experience was heartwarming, notably his father describing the lights at night and his mother talking about whether she would return again.
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