Day One (I) (2015)
Very unpleasant but well done...
30 January 2016
This film was definitely the most difficult to watch of all the nominees for Best Live-Action Short. It's quite timely and very well done but I noticed a lot of folks cringing and reacting viscerally to this film. The fact that it made such a big impact is a good thing...but some will find this all a bit unpleasant.

The story is set in what you assume is Afghanistan--though I don't recall the film even mentioning where the American soldiers were stationed in that general area. A new female interpreter has just arrived and is about to go on her first assignment. Unfortunately, this first encounter will clearly be among the most traumatic and difficult of her military career. This is because not only is one of the men killed by some sort of explosion but subsequently they come upon a family and the wife is dying because of a very, very complicated pregnancy. So not only will the interpreter have to interpret but because of the Muslim culture, the men in the group are not allowed to see the woman in labor. But it's a very, very bad labor and the interpreter cannot imagine anything good coming out of this...and she's probably right. It's going to be a horrible day.

As I said above, this is a very traumatic film and one I would not want younger viewers to see. I could say more but you'd just have to see it for yourself to know what I mean. The film is not gratuitous in its violence but it's a situation that is bleak and depressing...but also exceptionally well made and one of the most unusual shorts I've ever seen.

UPDATE: "Stutterer" took the Oscar for Best Live Action Short.
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