Vacation (I) (2015)
29 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Vacation" is a movie that is a movie that is so bad, I cringe when I see the poster. I hate every moment, character and joke that's in this movie.

I understand the original "Vacation" movies had gross-out humor, but it wasn't to THIS level and it wasn't THIS desperate. There is no build-up of these jokes, no technique! It's the equivalent of a 10 year old who just learned what sex is, and now makes painfully unfunny jokes. I'm not kidding, there are scenes in this movie where Ed Helms wipes off blood with a ball of 30 people's pubes. They spend a minute on Christina Applegate throwing up. Is it funny because she's throwing up? I don't get it. Swimming in Feces? Conservative Chris Hemsworth's fake penis? Cow guts? Pretty funny, huh? NO IT'S NOT, IT'S TERRIBLE!

Now I know what your thinking. "South Park" has a lot of gross-out humor too. Why is something like "South Park" so funny, yet "Vacation" isn't? Because gross-out humor isn't the problem. "South Park" jokes, gross-out or not,come from satire and build-up. You would never see a joke on South Park where something is gross and disgusting just for the sake of being gross and disgusting.

I guess I should talk about the story now, so here it is: Rusty Griswold tries to take his bland wife and annoying children to "Walley World" and shenanigans happen. The End.

This is the worst comedy I've seen since "Grown Ups 2". It's not funny, It's not amusing, it's just terrible.

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