Leo the Lion (2005 Video)
This movie is fun to watch if you like bad movies
27 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Leo the lion is a funny film, but not for the comedy. All the jokes fail. But this movie is so bad that it's good. The songs were all bad, the best being Maximus Elephante's song and the worst being I'm a Vegetarian. The end of this movie pretends like nobody knew that Leo was a vegetarian. The animation in this movie is horrible. Nothing looks like anything. I shouldn't be able to count that there were exactly 5 tears in this movie. It's also never a good joke when a character says they're the comic relief, especially when they're the least funny character. The heart of the jungle was the least anti-climactic thing in film history. This film also contains the scariest thing in film history; lion-elephant hybrid babies. This movie is fun if you watch films that are so bad they're good, you'll like it. But if you like anything of quality, don't watch it.
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